
Sunday, November 30, 2008


Monday morning breakfast from the fabulous buffet at the White Swan
Sunday night shopping in Guangzhou
Electronic market, I asked if the Ipod that I was looking at was real the man said "Chinese Ipod" in other words it was a knock-off. . . lots of those around here. The electronic market was 7 stories high with cell phones, ipods, and accessories. Very overwhelming and interesting.
Auntie Kim and grandpa went to the zoo yesterday, they said it was gorgeous. Panda is pretty dang cute.

I think I lost my camera (still hope that it is dad's backpack). If I find it I will post more later tonight.

Naomi's tummy is much better (no vomit yesterday or today) and even better than that is she is drinking a bottle. One packet of sugar did not do but with two packets she will drink it. One thing at a time. Clearly she will fit in with this family.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


We made it to Guangzhou. Breath of Fresh air . . . we are very glad to be here. Such a cute little area. We are staying at the White Swan a very nice hotel. We were very ready to leave Nanchang, 3 days there would have been perfect but 5 was just to long. The White Swan is on a little island with lots of cute shops and plenty of walking area. NICE!!!

Naomi has some sort of tummy bug, she is not keeping anything down. She still will NOT take a bottle from me. I talked to our doctor today and he suggested adding sugar to her formula just to get something in her. I'll try it. She is not acting sick, but is throwing up. poor girl.

Last day in Nanchang

This is our sweet guide Mary without her we would have been LOST. She was holding Naomi while I checked out at Wallmart (yes, you heard me right). We had to see what it was like. I don't really know how a Chinese Wallmart compares to a US Wallmart because I don't think I have ever been to one in the US. They have an employee on every isles to assist you.
We have been with another family in Nanchang. Thank god we have had them very nice family with great kids and fun to be with. This is their son Michael in the ball. Gave us all a good laugh while in the ball.
Auntie Kim walking with Naomi, this girl loves to walk
What you see in this picture is meat. They hang it out to cure/smoke. If you could see the smog over here . . . YIKES!!
Grandpa is finally getting to hold his new granddaughter. Aren't they cute.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

I have so much to be thankful for this year!!

With Love From China!!!
Oh My I miss these sweet boys sooooooooo much. I love you boys!!!! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Nanchang Wed 11-26

Today our sweet little guide Mary took us to a village about 25 minutes out of the city. 70% of people in Southern China live this way. This is poverty that we only imagine. Bare Bare necessities. We walked through the village and people let us come into their homes.

This picture was the one bedroom in this home. We were surprised to see the TV.
These 3 little old ladies followed us around. They were surprised that the family we were with had children already. They assumed Americans wanted to adopt so we did not have to push the baby out. These ladies seemed happy and healthy.
This is a families kitchen. They have so little.
This is the village toilet. There might have been one or two other homes with bathrooms. But most did not.

After seeing this village most of my worrying about bringing Naomi out of her home land went away. She truly would not have had the opportunity here.

This was also so interesting because Naomi lived in a small village with her foster family, this is probably what it was like. Wow!!! It seems so sad but everyone in the village seemed happy.

As I am typing this there is a funeral procession going by we know this because they set off lots of firecrackers as they go down the street and some have a white robed marching band. No casket or anything.

We are ready to leave Nanchang we found out that our flight leaves Friday at 5pm we were hoping for morning. We are looking forward to Guangzhou and some warm weather. I miss my boys and can't wait to kiss their little faces.

Lots of love from China

Stuff from Nanchang

Naomi had a very late night last night . . . she spent about 2 hours whimpering and full on screaming. Poor thing was just so sad. Broke my heart. She finally fell asleep around 11:30 and is still out now 8Am. I guess she is getting some sadness out so that is good.

Today we are headed for the country side and porcelain factory. Nanchang is known for their porcelain. I hope to get a nice tea set for Naomi.

Interesting tid-bits about China . . .

Traffic is crazy, slow but you have to play froger to get across the street, it is kindof scary
Food is cheep, so is beer
Little kids wear split pants, that means they squat whenever and wherever they need to go potty and go. (street, shops)
You can change a babies diaper anywhere including the restaurant chair at the table.
We look across the Gan river and see a skyline full of 30 story apartment buildings that are 1/3 full.
Streets are very safe, we can take a walk at night and it is very safe. Just a couple old ladies asking for money.
Only 10% have cars, most people get around on bikes and scooters rarely do we see a helmet. Babies and kids on the front or back (no helmets).
We asked our guide if she has a children, yes she has 2. How did she get away with that? The fine is 2 years of a couples salary. They can pay it over 18 years. YIKES!! Boy do we like our freedom.
I got scolded in the hotel elevator by a 40 year old business women because Naomi's legs were showing (her pants were hiked up because I was holding her).
Another elevator moment . . . A lady (stranger) handed Naomi food, that is o.k. in China.
People here are very nice. Although most of the time we have no idea what they are saying. But we think they are kind.
Local people will stop us and ask if they can take our picture (again we think that is what they are asking)

Keep the comments coming they are like little gift each time I check my blog. THANKS

Nanchang Nov 25

Tengwang Pavilion built in 653AD

We had lunch with the other Faith family today, yummy traditional Chinese food (our guide ordered) $24 for lunch . . . that fed 5 adults, 3 kids and 2 babies tons of food, beer and soda.

Naomi still won't take a bottle and gets very sad when I bring it near, grieving a bit. She is happy most of the time, especially when being held. I have been waiting for 2 years so that is o.k.
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Spa day

We decided today would be a good day for another foot massage. This time we had Naomi with us, she slept through most of it, what a good girl. The massage was 80 minutes for $8 How could we pass that up.
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Monday, November 24, 2008

Backing up a bit

I have only posted pictures mostly because of time and brain power. I now have a few minutes (not sure about brain power)

ChuYu was to be delivered to our hotel room at 4pm on 11/23. So of course around 3:15 I start pacing, every time the elevator door dinged my tummy jumped. I think she finally got here around 4:30. I tried talking to her, she cried so I decided to take her from the director then the screaming began (30 minutes worth). She was in my arms . . . I loved it, she did not. They said she had not eaten since noon poor thing was starving and traumatized, not to mention she was in a snow suit sweating to death. I tried giving her a bottle she wanted nothing to do with that, I thought maybe the director would have better luck (figuring she had given her many bottles) turns out that they had just picked her up from the foster family's home before driving 4 hours to the hotel. So I quickly took her back still no luck with the bottle still 2 days later. She is eating everything, her favorites are steamed eggs and congee but she eats anything a baby with 3 teeth can eat, including spicy stuff. She is still a bit weepy when she wakes up (She was probably hoping it was all a bad dream). She is trying to walk, loves the stacking cups I brought, very interested when we are out and about. No worries really she is doing great and I just love her. I never really believed all the pain of waiting, wondering and worrying would be washed away, but it kindof has. She is a doll and we could not have asked for anyone different. Pete we have ourselves a daughter. Thank you for working so hard to make this happen, all those worked weekends have paid off, I promise!! You are going to give her a great daddy. I miss my boys and can't wait for you to meet you sister, you guys are going to make great big brothers she is going to think you guys are so cool.

Cheers from China

I will try and go back and put text in older posts as time allows. We love reading the comments, THANKS

More pictues Nov 24

Official paper work done here

Do I promise to never abandon or abuse here? OF COURSE!!!

Ayi and Naomi
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Sunday, November 23, 2008

It's official Nov 24th

Eating with chopsticks

She will be walking soon

She is officially mine (pete's too)

Just cute!

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A Happy Momma and a very sad baby

Notice how soon I got the bow in her hair

Still Sad girl still happy mom

Naomi ChuYu-Gotcha day 11.23.08
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Saturday, November 22, 2008

33 Minutes

My baby is going to be here in 33 minutes. Bit nervous, excited, not sure how to feel. EXCITED! Today is the day I have been waiting for for many years. Wow. Naomi? or Lucy? I should know in about 32 minutes. I will keep you all posted.

Beijing Nov 22

The Great Wall

We made it to the top of the Great Wall.

Jade Factory . . .beautiful Jade bracelets ensure a long full rich life.

Our days are so busy in Beijing and we are so exhausted we will post more later.

Tomorrow is the Big Day we get our daughter. . .YEA!!! I will do my best to post pictures and hopefully a name.

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Friday, November 21, 2008

Beijing Friday

Forbiden City

Going to bed but I wanted to get a couple pictures on. Forbidden City was enormous and beautiful. Olympic water cube was interesting, fun to say that we have been there. No pictures of the 90 minute foot massage . . . oh my that was wonderful. I will post more later but I am tired and need to catch up on sleep.

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