
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Uh Oh!

Look at the shape of that mouth. She did it. . . the "O" shape and sound it finally came together. Naomi is a girl of very few words, let's see Mama, Dada, GeGe, and Blankie (although nobody would have a clue as to what she was saying) the problem is she has so much to say, she tries but it just does not work. She has some signs but not enough. You guessed it, lots of fits.

I have had the opportunity to hang out with some newish babies and witness (as I have forgotten) the baby babble. Well Naomi missed that, she had a pretty wide bilateral cleft until she was 8 months old. Now she has a cleft gum line and her upper lip is tight and who knows how well all the muscles work and the nerves and yadda yadda.

So this morning when she actually said "Uh Oh" we were so excited.

Zach and Thanie were so happy and proud of her. They were so sweet and encouraging (it made up for the fact that they argued all morning during their chores) I guess this is how they get us. They are HUGE turds and then do something so redeeming, it happens every time. This is how we don't hang them by their toes. O.K. I am now totally rambling, I'll stop

The "O" mouth

The proud face

I can't wait to go to speech on Wednesday to show her teacher.
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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Growing Tomatoes

Naomi was the official tomato watterer this summer and she took her job very seriously as you will see . . .

watering in her jammies

In the nude, just after a bath. Why not?

All dressed up with no place to go . . . That is when I do my watering

A bit of an off day
Align Center

The very first tomato
It was all hers . . . So delicious

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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sixth Day of School

One might wonder how or more like why I am aware that today is the 6th day of school. This morning Thanie informed me of this because he just loves it so much. He is so eager to get ready for school in the morning I barely have to remind him to get dressed put his lunch in his backpack he even made his own breakfast this morning. He put an extra big smile on my face this morning. Thanks Thanie Manie, I love you!!

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Monday, September 14, 2009

My 2 girls

I am still in awe that I get to call little Naomi my daughter. She is such a blessing, a very feisty and wonderful blessing. I still look at her in amazement. Last night she squished her finger and it hurt her so much the tears and pain. . . I could feel it, my heart ached for her. This little girl from China is so clearly my baby girl.

My other girl, the one with 4 legs is still hanging on. She is still doing the basics in life along with tug-a-war, a short game of fetch and still wants her lovin. Her tumors are NASTY. We are still watching and waiting. I have been told by many that we will know when the time comes.
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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First Day of School

I did it . . . oops! I mean they did it. First day of school. I am one PROUD Momma.

My fourth grader, I can't believe I just said that. Where does the time go?

He is just too cool. Really he is a cool kid. Very nice, the kind of kid I would have wanted to be friends with when I was in 4th grade.

Grandma always comes to the first day of school with us and this year Grandpa got to join in on the fun. Thanks guys

My sweet baby is officially in kindergarten. My eyes have tears in them as I type this.

Just so sweet. I know he will do well.

Look at my little guy, I might just eat him up.

I am so proud of both of my boys. Zach walked off with his friends like such a big kid (I did sneak in a kiss but sneak is the key word). Thanie did great no tears and he honestly looked happy and excited. I love being their mommy.

I am off to make chocolate chip cookies, all children need them on the first day of school.
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Monday, September 7, 2009

Birthday Festivities

We started off the morning with a "Happy Birthday " serenade and a gift from the boys

Every girl needs a pink cell phone. Thank You GeGe's

We spent the afternoon at the beach.

Once daddy got home Naomi opened another present. Tea Set. I am looking forward to tea parties with my girl.

Then we headed out for a nice Chinese dinner with some friends.

Saturday was the Big Party!!

My Little Lady patiently awaits the arrival of her guests

Still waiting

Opening gifts. She got so many great things . . . I LOVE THIS GIRL STUFF!!
(I don't have any pictures of dinner, no need for evidence, it was homemade mac and cheese)

The Lady Bug Cake

Blowing out the candles, she needed daddy's help for this one.

It was so great to celebrate Naomi's 2nd birthday with her. Last year we had her referral and new it was her special day but did not get to celebrate with her. We are grateful for our family and friends who have supported us in our journey.

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Friday, September 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Sweet Naomi

15 months old

9.3.09 11pm

Naomi ChuYu you are almost 2 years old. As I go to bed the night before your 2nd birthday I reminisce, a bit differently than I do about your brothers birthdays. I am not thinking back 2 years ago remembering my big belly or being in labor. I think of your birth mom/China Mommy she was the one with a big belly and labor pains. I am the one who gets to hold you and love you and sing to you on your birthday. I get to see you laugh and cry and experience life (oh! how you live life to the fullest). I am sure that every year on your birthday your China mommy thinks of you and misses you and wonders about you. I wish I could tell her how much you are loved by so many. Your brothers adore you even though you drive them nuts. Your grandparents (you really have grandpas heart), your aunts and uncles, cousins and family friends. How feisty and fiery you are, how in tune you are to the people and things around you, how you run and giggle (today we were out and about and you ran straight into my arms with a huge smile on your face . . . heaven!) I wish she could see your beautiful smile and your sweet hands and feet. Oh how grateful I am that she let you go. I love kissing your hurts away (you ask for this now)I love that we both get to love you. I love that you are sound asleep in our home in your bed right where God put you.

Happy Birthday Baby Girl

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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Chunky Monkey

Today Naomi had her 2 year well child check . . . 28 pounds/68th percentile and height 25th percentile. When we first brought her home in December she weighed 18 pounds and was in the 3rd percentile. Yes you read that right 3rd to 68th percentile in 8 months. YOU GO GIRL!!! She is a growing healthy little girl.

My baby girl turns 2 tomorrow.
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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ice Cream Celebration

We started this summer with swimming lessons for the boys (I decided not to do mommy and me lessons with Naomi mostly because I didn't want to walk in circles singing nursery rhymes, bad mom?? NOPE) Anyway the first 3 weeks I had to lower Nathaniel into the pool kicking and screaming, I continued the lessons because after 30 seconds in the water he was fine. Today, second to last lesson of the summe, this screamer was jumping off of the diving board . . . Hence the cause for celebration. YOU GO THANIE!!!

Zach has also improved tremendously, in the beginning he could not pass the swim test (you know the one they make you take so you can go to the deep end of the pool) now he can pass and loves the diving board, water slide and rope swing.
I am really so proud of both of you. And thanks for giving us a reason to get Ice cream tonight.

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