
Friday, May 17, 2013

Busy Week -Catching up

Monday was a regular ol' day

Tuesday I took a day long class and am now able to start my new Real Estate business.  I have the fancy key.  YEA!!! Yep you all read that right I got my license a month or so ago finally choose a firm to work with and am getting set up.  Then visited a good friend of mine and set up for our fundraising garage sale.

Wednesday Happy Birthday to me.  Oh It was a crazy day fulL of  surprises.  Scary, crazy, exciting SURPRISES.  It was NaOmi's end of school picnic, It is so hard to say goodbye to her great teachers.

Thursday I met with my new managing broker to work on a marketing plan then she showed me a few of the  ins and outs of Real Estate.  I am so excited to get started.

Friday morning Naomi and I left bright and early and drove the hour to help sell hotdogs and junk treasures at the garage sale.  We also sent a letter.  Then had a fun family evening at the Ballard Parade.

Happy Friday - Have a GREAT Weekend.