
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Bone Graft

It has been so LONG.

Hubby just left the hospital and Naomi is fast asleep.  It has been a long day at the hospital our room is quiet and I should be sleeping.   But.  I am not.

I want to document that today Naomi had her first bone graft.  Surgery went well.  She feels a bit yucky throwing up blood but other than that all is calm.

I read so many blogs.  Most of which have sweet, once orphaned babies that go through so so much more than mine.  I really can't complain.  I really am so incredibly grateful that we live in a city with great medicine, that my once orphaned daughter has a family that loves her fiercely and friends that care about her.  Life is good.  Even if I am laying on a makeshift bed in a hospital.  I am exactly where I am meant to be.

P.S. Hope to start blogging again