
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Never say Never

I said I would never get my daughters ears pierced until she was old enough to want them . . . as you can see the sparkle got the best of me.

My baby is tough she did not cry, not a single tear. This picture looks a bit torturous but I had to keep her from moving her head.
This was a cousin thing. Emily got her ears done today also. Look at those sweet brown eyed girls.

The earring is a little silver flower with a blue gem in the middle. The boys requested blue, why not it matches just about everything. I LOVE HAVING MY GIRL HOME!!!
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  1. Naomi's ears look beautiful! I knew you were going to go through with it. It is so worth it. I love the way they sparkle in pictures. Just wait until you're able to change them and match them to outfits. So much fun!!

  2. Hi Amy just coming over to check you guys out! Love your blog! Can't wait to read more!
