We found ladybugsanlove.com (a woman in China and a woman in the states who became friends and formed a cool company). For $30 we got to ask ten question and hopefully get some photos. Here is the translated information. And new pictures.
Her lip has been repaired.
1. Has Rao Chuyu been hospitalized? Why?
No. she only gets cold sometimes.
2. Has she had her lip or palate repaired?
She had lip repaired in April, 2008.
2. Is she in foster care if so how long?
She has sent to the foster care since she entered the orphanage.
3. Can she crawl or walk?
She can crawl but not willing to. She can’t walk yet.
4. What are her favorite foods?
Her favorite foods are crackers, Bao Zi (Chinese steamed dumpling), mashed fruit, etc.
5. What makes her happy and sad?
She will be sad if no one holding her.
6. What words does she say?
She burbles but not really saying anything.
7. What is her favorite toy or activity?
Her favorite toy is doll, diabolo, etc. Her favorite activity is playing games.
8. Where does she sleep (crib, bed) with whom does she sleep with?
She sleeps with her foster mom.
9. What do people call her (nickname)?
Her nickname is Yu Yu. We can her Chu Yu.
10. How is her overall health? allergies?
Her overall health is good. No allergy.
11. updated measurements:
Height: 70cm; Weight: 8kg; Head: 45cm; Chest: 45cm; Foot: 11cm; Teeth: 0.

She looks like she has such a spunky little spirit. I can't wait to go and scoop her up and kiss those little cheeks and arms and legs . . .