Prior to our little outing Naomi went in her closet tossed all 10 pairs of shoes out until she came to these orange shoes. Came over to me sat on my lap handed me a shoe (clearly she wanted the shoes on). The interesting thing is these are the shoes she came in (I know she is not a doll, but really she did come with these lovely plastic orange shoes) Do you think she remembers? I do.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
We have this cute little park down the street from us. I am always trying to get the kids to go for a walk with me (with smiles on their faces). Well Naomi loves to go for little walks so now the boys will go with. This little girl has so much pull around here. Check out the smile on my boys.

Prior to our little outing Naomi went in her closet tossed all 10 pairs of shoes out until she came to these orange shoes. Came over to me sat on my lap handed me a shoe (clearly she wanted the shoes on). The interesting thing is these are the shoes she came in (I know she is not a doll, but really she did come with these lovely plastic orange shoes) Do you think she remembers? I do.
This picture is here because my little man looks so sweet and cute and to prove to all of you that this girl does wear colors other than pink. (by the way the shirt says %100 sweet) It is true.
Prior to our little outing Naomi went in her closet tossed all 10 pairs of shoes out until she came to these orange shoes. Came over to me sat on my lap handed me a shoe (clearly she wanted the shoes on). The interesting thing is these are the shoes she came in (I know she is not a doll, but really she did come with these lovely plastic orange shoes) Do you think she remembers? I do.
Cleft Team update
We have good news . . . Naomi only has a cleft lip not a cleft palate. Wow!!!! Her hard and soft palate are intact. Part of her gum line is missing. This should have very little impact on her speech but we will watch and listen. Due to the small fistulas directly behind her front teeth we will continue to see food come out of her nostril. The doctor said eventually she will learn how to control this so she can either not let it out or perform magic for her friends (noodles out of one's nose could be very entertaining). As far as surgery they expect to do a bone graft when she is about 5 (bone from her hip to complete the gum line). They will probably give her nose a little lift before kindergarten. She does have fluid in her ears so we will monitor that for tubes. Zach has had 2 sets of tubes and probably needs a 3rd put in so we know that this is a very minor surgery, not even sure why they call it surgery.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Happy Chinese New Year!!!
Tomorrow is a our first Chinese New Year with our China doll. We have a busy day . . . Our first appointment with the cleft team at Childrens (4 hours worth). I am excited and anxious to learn more about Naomi's cleft lip and palate. Wonder what the plan will be? I will let you know how things go.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Potty Talk
She went poop in the potty!!!! O.K. that was after a little turd in the the bathtub. . . hence the wet and soapy hair. Thanie is the very happy photographer that did NOT get in the tub with his sister this morning
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Brotherly Love
Thanie is not sure were his spot in the family is anymore, he is no longer the baby but he is not quite a big boy yet (well as big as his brother). He is having a hard time, not horrible but still adjusting. He loves Naomi and was so excited for her arrival, I feel for my little boy. He helped me clean the bathrooms tonight, who would think that cleaning toilets is good bonding . . . but it was, just he and I stuck in the bathroom chatting and getting something done. He was so proud of himself and he made cleaning FUN!!! I love this boy so very much.
Naomi is such a happy little girl. Zach was commenting on how she giggles all the time. She can be in one room and has the rest of the house smiling just from her sweet sound. Her being a part of our family seems to sink in more all the time. She is such a blessing. Something about vacuuming or cooking dinner with a baby on my hip makes me smile. Maybe it is that she is excepting us and wants to be held and loved. Her kisses have turned from a head bonk to a full slobbery kiss. I love it!!!
Zach is an amazing big brother. He is helpful , thoughtful and kind and helpful (oh so very helpful). He is so good to Naomi. She is going to be one spoiled little girl. If she fusses he is right there to make sure she is O.K. This kid was not so sure about bringing another sibling home (especially a girl) I hear him tell Naomi that he loves her several times a day. It is so sweet!!! Maybe less attention from mom and dad but lots from his new sister and so much love to go around.
Naomi is such a happy little girl. Zach was commenting on how she giggles all the time. She can be in one room and has the rest of the house smiling just from her sweet sound. Her being a part of our family seems to sink in more all the time. She is such a blessing. Something about vacuuming or cooking dinner with a baby on my hip makes me smile. Maybe it is that she is excepting us and wants to be held and loved. Her kisses have turned from a head bonk to a full slobbery kiss. I love it!!!
Zach is an amazing big brother. He is helpful , thoughtful and kind and helpful (oh so very helpful). He is so good to Naomi. She is going to be one spoiled little girl. If she fusses he is right there to make sure she is O.K. This kid was not so sure about bringing another sibling home (especially a girl) I hear him tell Naomi that he loves her several times a day. It is so sweet!!! Maybe less attention from mom and dad but lots from his new sister and so much love to go around.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Rice Cooker
We decided that our little China doll needed her rice cooked properly so we went out and bought a rice cooker. I think we will use it tonight as her royalty is not feeling so well (comfort food). I feel her pain. She really needs her momma today, it is actually kind of fun, she wants to be held most of the time and is pretty snugly. A good sign that she is attaching.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Happy Birthday Dad
Happy Birthday to Dad and Grandpa. We love you!!!
2 nights down . . . hopefully lots more to go. She slept all night in her crib again.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
SLEEP !!!!
This sweet little thing decided to sleep in her very own crib all night long last night.
There was a bit of fussing in the beginning, but we just kept talking to her and she went to sleep . . . She did it!!!! Woke up this morning at 7:30. Can't ask for much more than that except PLEASE PLEASE do it again tonight. Next is move the crib to her own room, that can be months down the road. This is good!
Naomi is also taking more steps all by herself. Maybe 15-20 when she feels like it. My baby is growing and fast.
O.K. I know the bow is ridiculous but . . .
Naomi is also taking more steps all by herself. Maybe 15-20 when she feels like it. My baby is growing and fast.
O.K. I know the bow is ridiculous but . . .
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Because they are cute
My youngest 2 babies at the Zoo
Modeling her new coat that she got from her cousins
She is Little Miss Fun
My boy and his cat
We thought sleep was getting better . . . 5 nights in a row, it only took her about 30 minutes to fall asleep and she stayed asleep for the rest of the night. BUT, the last couple of nights have been back to this . . . get jammie's on say goodnight to Ge-Ge's and daddy and then Naomi and I lay down on our bed, snuggle up and have a bottle she appears very sleepy so you think few sleep but NO! Then the fun or not so fun begins, she likes sit up and down and roll over to the point she is sweating profusely this lasts about 20 minutes then we have 5 minutes of mad crying then another 5 of the sad cry. I can tell mad from sad because the mad cry her body is stiff and the sad she just sobs and her body is soft. Poor girl. This cycle can go on for 2-3 hours. Yikes!!!! When she finally crashes the rest of the night is somewhat fretful, she ends up fussing several times in the night. Luckily we can just rub her back for a minute and she quiets down.
This week we are going to hang out at home and relax. Very little stimulation for Naomi. See if we can get back to the good sleeper.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Photo Shoot

I have a framed picture of both my boys in these same red overalls hanging in our hallway. Naturally I wanted to continue the tradition and get Naomi's picture on the wall. So I took her to Penneys today. Clearly this was absolutely terrifying to her. No strange man was going to take her picture (she screamed, we left). We came home and made our own studio and this is what we got. Once of these will have to do. Good thing she is so dang cute.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
A Month
This little girl has been home for a month now. She has accomplished so much . . . 1st and most importantly she has her brothers wrapped around her little finger. A few other milestones . . . she can get herself to a sitting position, she does not cry in between bites of food (she is starting to trust that more will come), crawls, cruises and gives sweet little kisses. Those are just some highlights. I still have to pinch myself on a regular basis, she is really our daughter living with us and is just perfect.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Night Walk
When we got Aspen almost 13 years ago, she started us on a nice evening tradition. Walks. Well over the last couple years our evening walks have become a little sporadic. But tonight we managed to get one in. Thanie and Naomi were cozy in their jammie's.
Notice where Thanie's arm is. These 2 had some good bonding time in the stroller tonight.
Notice where Thanie's arm is. These 2 had some good bonding time in the stroller tonight.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
A moment
Today I walked into our local Asian market. Wow! the sights and smells brought me back to China (well, as back as you can get in Seattle) I got that lump in my throat, the kind you get when your about to cry. Our trip to China was amazing, such cool experience. It makes me sad to know that our trip is over. I know I will go back someday, but it will never quite compare.
When I got home today, this was the longest I have been away from Naomi since she was handed to me in November. Anyway, I picked her up out of the crib, she was still warm and sleepy. Holding her, still with that lump in my throat, my daughter the one with black hair and almond eyes, she is so incredibly beautiful. I love her so much, she is clearly my little girl.
A bit sappy. . . O.K. lots sappy but it is all part of my journey.
When I got home today, this was the longest I have been away from Naomi since she was handed to me in November. Anyway, I picked her up out of the crib, she was still warm and sleepy. Holding her, still with that lump in my throat, my daughter the one with black hair and almond eyes, she is so incredibly beautiful. I love her so much, she is clearly my little girl.
A bit sappy. . . O.K. lots sappy but it is all part of my journey.
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