Monday, April 27, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
A O.K.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Zach is getting his 3rd set of tubes in on Thursday morning. This time we are having his adenoids removed. We went to Target to get his new Lego set . . . one needs something to look forward to after surgery. Prayers and good thoughts would be great.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
One more cleft nose thing. Naomi has a small hole directly behind her front teeth which goes straight up to her nose. Food comes out her nose on a daily basis. When it gets stuck she has this little cough/nose blow thing that she does which clears it right out. Now she asks for a tissue (by pointing and yelling, no words yet) does her cough/blow thing and runs to the garbage can to dispose of the dirty tissue. She is becoming so efficient, and remains just so dang cute.

Monday, April 20, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
I was right
I was laid off today. It is pretty weird. When you have been with a company for over 10 years, I have spent almost 1/3 of my life working there. I new it was coming and I still cried, dang it!!!
I have had the privilege of working with a good group of people, this place has been good to me. I will miss it.
I have freaked out, we are not in the best of financial situations, some debt, and my husband took a pretty significant pay cut a year ago so he could spend more time with the family. Have I mentioned that I married a good man.
Ever since I was a little girl I wanted to be a stay at home mom, not sure if this is an option now. but with 2 months severance we can try it out. I have also wanted to be a nurse so maybe school. Tons of crazy thoughts running through my head. Something WILL work, so now I need some clarity and direction. And a DEEP BREATH.
Thanks for listening
Thursday, April 16, 2009
I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be "The BIG BAD" day for me at work . . .
hope I am wrong but???? I'll keep you posted.
I took 2 benedryl in hopes of some sleep tonight, bad allergies also
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
19 Month Check-Up
4 Months ago when we brought Naomi home she weighed 19 lbs (5th%) and 29" long (5%) now she weighs 24 lbs (50th%) and 31" (25th%). Amazing what a little love and food can do for a girl. Everything is looking good. We did get a referral for speech therapy. She is not saying any words. She understand stuff . . . I can ask her to get her shoes or blankey or give me a kiss (very important) and she will. She is using some signs. Comprehension is on its way. I would love for her to get movin on the speech. The screaming is driving me a bit crazy. We figured that Speech therapy would be in our near future. We went to an amazing place for Thanie's speech so now we get to go back.
I know I am repeating myself but we are so incredibly blessed to have this little girl home with us. She is our daughter, not doubt. What a beauty she is.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Who needs a tail anyways? Here is our Aspen without a tail, I figured for those who are squeamish a profile shot would be best. Last night one would have thought we had a newborn around, your royal heiness was up every couple hours. Today she was able to get outside and sun herself, I think she will sleep well tonight. She is feeling much better today and as soon as she can
take the cone off of her head I think she will be allot happier.
Notice the sunburn? Opps!! Zach redeemed his birthday gift from us. He and dad went snow boarding (first time for both of them) on Saturday. From the sounds of it they had a fun day and were able to make it down the mountain successfully. I had the sunscreen in the bag. I had to say that so you all would think I was the good parent, right?
Zach's followup appointment on Thursday went good. Most of the labs are back and normal but still waiting the results on a few, keeping our fingers crossed.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Enough for one week
I am hoping that Saturday all this will be behind us. Good thoughts and prayers Please
April 1st
We decided to take a trip to the beach this morning (I have been hinkerin to go to the beach). It was snowing and raining out, 34 degrees . Perfect idea! don't you think. We only stayed for about 20 minutes. We were COLD and wet, but had fun.