I have been a Mom for 10 years now. My sweet 1st born son turned 10 at 3:35 in the morning. YIKES!!! Where does the time go.
He arrived via C-Section, he did not want to come out it was warm and cozy in there. He still kinda operates that way, slow, easy going, wants to soak up what is going on around him. This is a sweet kid, people like him, me too. I trust him, he is honest and I know when he is with others he chooses cautiously and makes good choices. Lord please let this continue into those teen years.

He arrived via C-Section, he did not want to come out it was warm and cozy in there. He still kinda operates that way, slow, easy going, wants to soak up what is going on around him. This is a sweet kid, people like him, me too. I trust him, he is honest and I know when he is with others he chooses cautiously and makes good choices. Lord please let this continue into those teen years.
This picture is way out of focus . . . Grandma called this morning to wish him a happy birthday he looks delighted. So sweet I had to share
Thanie made him a special birthday card . . . Of course I teared up, I think it was the 3rd time since last night.
The night before one of the kids birthday I like to go to bed and remember all that I can about the birth (excluding the pain). Such sweet memories of his arrival. Holding and smelling him for the first time. The love I feel for my kids is something I never knew until this kid was born. Thanks Zach
I love you Zachy
I don't know if you can see the radio on his shirt, the one he calls old fashioned. I didn't even realized it looked "old fashioned" I am getting old, possibly a reason for one of the times I cried.
It has been a joy and pleasure to be your momma for 10 years, looking forward to many more. I love you!!
Number 4 . . . I must go get a tissue now.