You see I am back in my routine working out early in the morning then grabbing my cup of coffee and sitting down at my computer visiting all my favorite blogs (99.9% adoption related).
It feels good.
There are always fun inspiring stories of families that are formed all by the grace of god through adoption. Stories of the struggles and heartache of adoption. There are struggles but for us the joy far outweighs the struggles.
The ones that really get me are the sweet little faces that still wait, there are so many that still wait. so many.
My heart aches for the babies and big kids. Most that I see are special needs but really when you look at those sweet faces you just see a sweet face a child not a special need.
Babies that don't have a mommy or daddy. Incredibly, unbelievably, horribly sad. Stop and think about it for just a second.
It hurts.
So my moments have turned into weeks and months of praying and wondering what my next step is?
I would love to adopt another. I hope that is our next step. But I am open to other ways.
So I keep praying
An orphan NO more |
Beautiful |
Not always joyful |
My daughter |
I am so blessed to call you my girl Naomi Chu Yu |