My sweet precious baby girl. (sorry don't puke though she is really all of that and so much more)
Her fits have gone to a new level.
her Momma
the hand that feeds her
I held my cool (which is hard for me)
It happened twice today
Once when we were leaving speech "I want more homework" (I did want to record those words for future use) We were walking out to the school parking lot (the boys school, her school, the new family in town) and she was dragging her feet along with some kicking and screaming
then Biting
Yep she tried to bite my hand and my arm, really anything she could sink her teeth into. I wanted to let her lay on the wet and rainy concrete and let it all out.
One mom walked by and did the "oh sweety what is wrong" Really, Really lady . . . my girl is being a HUGE HUGE TURD. Instead of letting her go for it I picked her up and put her in the car and drove her home (reference above (the new family in town)). When I got her out of her seat at home she melded into me and just sobbed big FAT SAD tears.
This adoption thing is hard. I know for 100% that this fit started as a 3 year old power, did not get my way fit but it ended a bit different. Is it a girl thing???? 3rd child thing???? Adoption grief????? What???
Parenthood is HARD HARD HARD
Because we can.
Once less orphan and that would be GOOD

P.S that was not a hint. . . Hubby is not ready for anymore (someday??)