Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
I thought it was just a "business" thing. It was way more emotional than that. I think part of the emotion was that it reminded me of all the procedural stuff in China just a year ago. We have been a family of five for just over a year.
All five of us had to raise our right hands and swear to tell the truth . . . What an experience for my boys.
Family of Five with the judge behind his bench.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Going to the store
Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Happy Birthday Nathaniel
Thanks for singing to me at night when I make dinner, your music is fabulous just like you.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Do we stay? Do we go?
We moved into our little house in Seattle when Zach was 1. We promptly re-did the entire 1st floor, new pluming, electrical, ceilings, walls, paint, bathroom, new hardwood floors. Fast forward 3 years we added the second floor then a new kitchen. When I say we, that means Pete and I with lots of help from family, we hired a couple things out but this is true sweat equity. We are attached. Although it is just a house.
It is just a house but. . . We live within minutes of both of our parents, and our core group of friends. We have a huge support system within 15 minutes of us. Not to mention doctors and neighbors my great new church and on and on. The areas that we have looked would move us about 20 minutes north (that is 20 minutes with NO traffic)
If you remember I lost my job about 6 months ago and the economy has drastically effected Pete's pay. I have had a taste of being a stay-at-home mom and honestly it is a dream come true. It is HARD much harder than going to work but it is where I want/need to be.
Are we headed to the suburbs??? Maybe so. Time and lots of prayer will tell.
We have looked in Richmond Beach and Mill Creek, if any of you out there live in those areas I would love to hear your thoughts.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Guess what I get to do . . .
It is a place for our agency Faith International to quickly post China's waiting children. So far all the sweet faces are from their individual list. But in the next couple weeks I plan on adding kids from the shared list.
I am new to this but very excited at the prospect of helping unite Children and Families. Please Come check it out. We Still Wait
You will need a password to view the kids. Email me , I promise I will check it often.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Pardon the not so great picture quality. Old camera and out of practice
Thursday, December 3, 2009
A Year Ago . . .
Picture 12/3/08

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Gotcha Day - One Year Ago
The moment 1 year ago. Pure JOY!!!
The outfit one year later- still fits but not the shoes
Gotcha Day November 23, 2008 - so sad and withdrawn
Today - She is so stinkin cute!! Can you see the attitude? I sure can.
All the waiting and heartache along the way was washed away the moment she was placed in my arms. (more like the moment I grabbed her out of the directors arms). This little girl has been through so much in her short life. She has learned and grown so much in one year, it truly amazes me.
My Beautiful Daughter Naomi
What a blessing you are my sweet girl. You bring so much spunk, excitement, compassion, Joy, and and a little chaos to our home. Oh and don't forget about the pink and bows, I still love all that.
I love your spirit . . . I dreamed for years of having a Chinese daughter and now I do, I am in awe over your beauty. It has been a pleasure and privilege to watch you grow this past year. Just look at you. I thank God daily for his handy work in bringing our family together and allowing us to call you ours.
I love you Naomi ChuYu . . . forever and ever,
Your momma
P.S. If you haven't noticed your daddy is completely smitten with you as you are with him. I love it!!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
A Year Ago - Beijing
Tea party. . . we met the pee pee boy What a laugh he was
I remember often the wonderful oh so wonderful 90 minute foot massages, it was called a foot massage but it included back, hands, arms, legs and head. So good!!! and it was only $8
The yummy Peking Duck, what a great meal. The acrobat show, amazing. The shopping and bartering .
Walking just one more block (about 15 times) to get to the best mall that ended up one block the other direction. We saw so much in those 15 blocks, so much of China and the people the poverty .
The wonder of being in my daughters country . . . and the excitement and anticipation of knowing in just a few short days she would be in my arms.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Please Vote - Help Orphans
Joint Council Update
Program Be The Answer Date October 27, 2009 Regarding Chase Community Giving
Dear Friends,
Thank youto everyone who has supported Joint Council and Be The Answer since it's launch in September. After our success in America's Giving Challenge through Facebook we've entered another contest. This one doesn't require anyone to donate to Joint Council, all you have to do is cast a vote! Chase Community Giving is giving $5 million dollars to the various charities, the winning charities will be the ones who receive the most votes. Help us ensure that Joint Council is one of the charities that receives one of the much needed grants! Receiving one of the top grants will allow Joint Council to expand our programs & services and, most importantly, exponentially increase our advocacy efforts!
How tovote:
1) Sign into Facebook or create a Facebook page - you must be a Facebook user to vote! 2)While signed into Facebook go to, 3) Search "Joint Councilon International Childrens Services" 4) Click"Allow" 5) Click"Become a Fan" 6) Click "Vote for Charity" 7) Use your Facebook page to spread the word!
You can only vote for Joint Council once.
Please feel free to email me with any questions, comments or problems.
Thank you so much for your support of Joint Council! |
| REBECCA HARRIS | Joint Council |Director of Programs and Services| | +1.703.535.8045 |