Sunday, May 22, 2016

China adventure - Day 1


Yummy lunch served by the orphanage

Not sure what these are called - plums

Happy me!  holding a precious wee  one

We took a 3 hour train ride to an orphanage full of locals,  

A few thoughts after a good night sleep and a yummy breakfast.  Chinese breakfast buffets are delightful.

So we took a 3 hour train ride to a little town in Southern China.  I like experiencing the "real" stuff.  I thought we were getting yelled at by an older Chinese woman b the memory of Evelyn often reminding me "mom Chinese people are just loud" popped in my very tired brain.  Turns out she was just very curious as to why 2 white woman were in China.  Like I said small town.

The orphanage fed us a fabulous lunch, I even tried pig ear . . . and no I did not go back for seconds but I did swallow it.  The lunch was delicious but really I was so antsy to get my hands on those kids.

This was a small orphanage, very clean with very kind nannies and staff.  But you know what the bottom line is it is an orphanage with lots of delayed children and the reality is many will never know what a family is.  Hard stuff!!  The good news is some will know that love.

Kelly these are for you!



NancyW said...

Those aren't plums, they're lytchees. It is the very best time of year to get these fresh in southern China. Yum@

NancyW said...

Those aren't plums, they're lytchees. It is the very best time of year to get these fresh in southern China. Yum@