Friday, October 16, 2009

Friday Night Photo Shoot

Naomi and I were killing time until daddy got home, eating chips and salsa (boys were watching there Friday movie). We decided or I decided that my girl looked awful cute in her bow and pretty dress so here are some pictures.

Try and ignore the chips in her mouth.

Today was a good day, I got to meet a women who my husband met through his work. We have corresponded over the last several months as she is bringing home a 9 year old from China hopefully before Christmas. We got to chat about adoption, family and faith. I enjoyed my morning.

I want to wish my sister-in-law good luck, don't think she needs it so maybe well wishes . . . she is running her first full marathon. I know she will do well.


LivingSimply, SimplyLiving said...


Carrie said...

She DOES look cute in her bow and dress! I love that color with their pretty skin. Sadie wears that shade of blue a lot!! ;)

Ellen Hatton said...

Oh I just want to hug her, she is sooo darn cute!